Collection Agencies – Collection Lawyers – Debt Collection

Collecting Money in Florida – Collection Agency – Florida Collection Attorney

In past blogs, we have discussed the difference between using a Florida commercial collection agency rather than a Florida debt collection attorney. Collection agencies are not licensed to practice debt collection law. A collection agency typically will make collection calls and send a few collection letters to your customer to collect your money. If the collection agency is not successful, they then have to charge you a higher contingency fee and send the case  to a collection lawyer.

Debt collection Law Firm Florida

Florida collection law firm

A  debt collection law firm contacting your customer first to make demand for payment, has a bigger impact than your customer receiving a collection letter from a commercial collection agency.  A debt collection lawyer  after sending a demand letter  and calling your customer demanding payment, can then recommend that a lawsuit be started to recover the money that is owed to your company.

Florida Debt Recovery Law Firm

Once a lawsuit is started to recover your money, your company now has greater control over the debt collection process.  Your customer will either recognize the debt and attempt to make payment arrangements with our office – hire an attorney, if there is a legitimate dispute to the debt or ignore the debt collection lawsuit. If the lawsuit is ignored, your company would be entitled to have a default judgment entered against your customer for the amount of the open invoices, costs and interest as allowed under Florida Law.

Florida Collection Attorneys – Lawyers

To learn more about the debt collection process and about how our Florida collection attorneys may be able to help your company recovery its money, we encourage you to contact us and ask to speak to one of our collection attorneys. Working together, we will devise a debt recovery strategy that is just right for your company.


collection letter

Debt Collection Demand Letters

Pre-litigation demand letters may be an effective way for creditors to save on paying contingent collection fees. The Gebeloff Law Group is about to launch a new division, The program will give creditors two options to choose from:

1) A Demand letter would be sent to the debtor   urging the debtor to make payment arrangements directly to the creditor. The Demand Letter program is for a flat fee. Gebeloff is looking to save creditors from paying high contingent collection fees to commercial collection agencies when a Demand Letter from a commercial collection attorney may be all that is needed to convince the debtor to pay the creditor.

Debt collection demand letter

Collection Demand Letter

2) The second option adds a phone call from our commercial collection law firm. The call would be placed by a commercial collection attorney directly to the debtor. The debt collection letter coupled with a debt collection phone call from a collection lawyer will give the debtor a sense of urgency that they should consider paying the creditor before the possibility of incurring additional legal fees and costs defending a debt collection law suit. The Gebeloff Law Group again would simply charge a flat fee for this debt collection service.   If the pre-litigation collection service is not successful, the creditor would then be given the option to pursue the past due collection account in the more traditional manner once the claim is placed in The Gebeloff Law Group’s debt collection litigation cue.

The Gebeloff Law Group has teamed up with ScaleUp Consulting, a Miami based agency to help promote the Attorney Demand Letter program and set up technology so clients as well as potential clients can login and place their accounts for debt collection. The Scale Up Consulting team has been very easy to work with and help our commercial debt collection law firm take their vision and make the vision a reality.

Call the collection attorneys at the Gebeloff Law Group to discuss all your company’s debt collection needs. We are always happy to devise a debt collection strategy that is customized for all our client’s debt recovery needs.

Contact a Collection Attorney and Debt Collection Law Firm

What to do when your customer owes you money and starts ignoring your demands for payment. You should consider using a debt collection and debt recovery law firm.

Since the economic down turn of 2008,   it is more and more common for a small business to struggle with its cash flow. As a result, businesses are cash strapped and cannot pay all of its vendors each and every month. It is important for creditors to be proactive.

Our   debt collection law firm believes that those creditors that push the hardest, will get paid first ahead of other vendors that our owed money. Our collection attorneys send out collection demand letters. Our debt collection lawyers will contact your customers who owe your company money and try and ascertain if there is a legitimate business reason why your account receivable is not being paid. If there are legitimate reasons, our collection law firm will act as an intermediary and attempt to help both sides come to an amicable solution.

If there are no legitimate business reasons for your customer to not pay on your open account, our collection attorney will most likely recommend that suit be brought. Our collection lawyer will analyze the collection account to see if officers of the company can be held responsible for payment of the corporate debt.

 Collection Attorney and Collection Law Firm

Collection Attorney and Collection Law Firm

Contact our collection attorney at our debt collection law firm and speak to our collection lawyers about the specifics facts surrounding your debt collection case. Our collection lawyer will discuss the possibility of pursuing the principals of closely held entities for the debt owed to your company. You may mail or email your supporting documents to our collection firm. Our collection attorney will review your account and then contact you to devise a strategy for your debt collection matter.

Stephen B. Gebeloff, P.A.
5255 N. Federal Hwy., 3rd Floor
Boca Raton, FL 33487
[email protected]

The Purpose of an Attorney Demand Letter in a Collection Case

Upon receipt of a new claim in our office, our lawyers send  a debt collection demand letter to the debtor. Our law firm demands that payment be made for the amount that is due and owing to our debt collection clients. The collection demand letter sent to the debtor serves several purposes. The first is to let the debtor know that our collection firm has been retained by the creditor. We are also able to determine if the address is valid to serve the summons and debt collection lawsuit on the defendant if  our collection attorneys  are unable  resolve the matter pre-litigation.

Florida Collection Attorney and Collection Law Firm

Florida Collection Attorney and Collection Law Firm

During this initial period of time, our collection attorneys will also determine the corporate identity of the debtor. The lawyers from our debt collection law firm will make telephone demands on the debtor. Our collection firm strives to give our  debt collection clients an assessment as to the prospects of collecting their money on their past due receivables. In this tough economy our attorneys try  to determine if there is a legitimate dispute on the account, the debtor has cash flow problems or simply is flat out ignoring demand for payment of the debt.

Please feel free to contact our collection law firm and speak to our Florida collection lawyer about the specifics facts surrounding your Florida debt collection case. You may mail or email your supporting documents to our collection firm. Our Florida collection attorney will review your account and then contact you to devise a strategy for your collection matter.

Stephen B. Gebeloff, P.A.
5255 N. Federal Hwy., 3rd Floor
Boca Raton, FL 33487
[email protected]