A collection attorney has the ability to send out collection letters to customers that owe you money. The collection attorney can provide insights to you on alternative methods of effectuating debt collection. Our collection law firm is constantly looking for ways to pierce the corporate veil and assert personal liability against corporate officers of a company even when there are no personal guarantees on the account securing the debt.
Another advantage in using a collection attorney law firm over a collection agency is that the collection attorney can file a lawsuit to help you collect your money. If your customer does not enter into a payment agreement with our collection law firm, our collection attorney will enter judgment. Once judgment is entered, there are many different ways our collection attorney can discuss with you on how to locate assets to satisfy the debt.
If you have smaller balance accounts that it does not make sense to litigate with a debt collection law firm, a collection agency may be the answer. The collection agency will also send demand letters and make phone calls. But, of course a collection agency cannot provide legal advice or file a lawsuit to collect your money.
If you need to discuss your account receivable issues with our collection attorney, please feel free to contact our debt recovery law firm and our collection lawyer will be happy to devise a debt collection strategy that is just right for you. [email protected]